References 2012 – 2008


aerial photoLondon Array Wind Farm – 175 Siemens 3.6 MW – 2011 -2012

Inspection and trial trips with new build crane vessels.
Approval of method statements and risk assessments for pile installation and turbine erection.
Client representative on crane vessels during pile installation and turbine erection.

Customer: London Array Ltd. UK (DONG, EON and Masdar)

Walney II – 51 Siemens 3.6 MW – 2011

Supervision during installation of mono piles using a floating crane barge.

Customer: DONG Energy UK

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Marine Warranty Surveyor for Siemens – 2011

Acted as marine warranty surveyors for Siemens for a repair project for 4 UK wind farms (Linn Inner Drowsing, Gunfleet Sands, Burbo Bank and Ryhl Flats) using MPI Resolution.
Approved all necessary material to do the operation and issued COAs. Followed repair jobs partly.

Customer: Siemens UK

Ormonde 004
Ormonde – 30 Repower 6 MW – 2011

Called in to improve installation speed of turbine erection.
Partly supervision of turbine erection.

Customer: Ormonde Offshore Wind Ltd. – Vattenfall Europe


Thanet Offshore Wind – 100 Vestas 3 MW – 2010

Inspection and preparation of installation vessel.
Supervision of windmill erection.

Customer: Thanet Offshore Wind Ltd. – Vattenfall Europe


Sprogø 2009 015
Sprogoe Offshore Wind Farm – 7 Vestas 3 MW – 2009

Inspection and preparation of installation vessel.
Supervision of windmill erection.

Customer: Vestas Offshore A/S


Belwind 1 – 55 Vestas 3 MW – 2009

Different consultancy work.
Called in as independent surveyor during pile installation after 2 piles during tow out had sunk. Negotiations with Belgian authorities concerning tow out of piles.

Customer: Belwind B.V.

Robin RIgg
Robin Rigg Offshore Wind Farm – 60 Vestas 3 MW – 2008 -2009

Participated in production of method statements and risk assessments.
Inspection and preparation of installation vessels.
Supervision of windmill erection.

Customer: Vestas Offshore UK

Fahrt mit der Windforce1 von Ndd.Mole - alpha ventus
Alpha Ventus – 6 Repower 5MW – 2008

Followed building of installation vessel.
Supervision of turbine erection.

Customer: Vattenfall Germany